
Easy pasta salad formula

Raise your hand if you’re a pasta salad lover! Any favorites? I think my all-time favorite is this one from Lindsey Kubly because it is so simple and delicious.

Last weekend, I decided to whip up a few snacks on a whim and with what I had on hand, and I put together a pretty simple pasta salad formula, if you will.

Pasta + cheese + leafy greens + crunch + sweet

My weekend version of this was Trader Joe’s zucchette pasta + crumbled feta + arugula + chopped walnuts + chopped dates.

Spinach or spring mix are also fresh, leafy greens that work well, and raisins or dried cranberries make for a nice sweet addition. I was wishing I had dried cranberries on hand because I think the color would’ve been perfect with that autumnal pasta.

I keep the dressing simple, too:

Olive oil + salt + pepper + spice(s)

The only spice I added was a bit of dried oregano. It’s easy to change up spices based on the main ingredients and what will taste good together.

Don’t you love when something is easy and delicious?

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