Well, we’re headed to Disney World pretty soon. Normally, I wouldn’t have chosen to bring a nearly eight–month–old baby on such a trip, but it’s an extended family thing that has been in the works since before we knew there’d be a baby, so off we go! I’m sure it’ll be fine, just kind of a lot to think about with such a little guy.
But you know I don’t pass up a chance for a good themed craft.
Okay, up first we’ve got a bunch of bibs:
These are so easy to make.
A moment of appreciation for perfect contrast fabric:
Um, more bibs. I know. But I’d never done counted cross stitch before and had patterns from this adorable kit (received as gift forever ago, and now I can only find it on eBay).
Remember when I mentioned the Ergo covers? Well, I took one look at the pattern and realized my rudimentary sewing skills were NOT up to the task, so I just did covers for the straps.
These were the prototypes:
which I’m glad I did because I adjusted the size, made a few changes with the Velcro, and used that scrap of Vera Bradley fabric to make these:
Pacifier clips are easy to whip up with a little stabilizer and a suspender clip:
Is anyone else out there obsessed with felt food? Like for play kitchens? Not to eat. Goodness gracious. I hope that was clear.
Anyway, I think it’s so cute and can’t wait for the baby to have a play kitchen so I can make a bunch. Until then, we’ll have a Mickey bar and a Dole whip to sustain us!

I’m pretty realistic about my crafting abilities and have never made something that I thought I could sell on Etsy, but I’m thinking these might just work. Thoughts?
Okay, last but not least, I made a Mickey activity mat, sized for an airline tray table* and a good candidate for keeping the baby happy while waiting at restaurants. My aunt does machine embroidery, so she helped me out with the gloves.
* On my honor, I will wipe down the tray table with disinfecting wipes before I let the baby near it.
So that’s what I’ve been working on lately! How about you? Any fun hobbies keeping you busy?