
Seamless: Week Five

This week focused on the Gospels. This was the first week I felt a little too rushed in the reading and responding, like it really needed more than a week, but when I think about it in terms of the breadth of the study, it makes sense to spend a week here and then move… Read More Seamless: Week Five


Seamless: Week Four

This week we really started moving toward the arrival of the Messiah. Let me just take a second to say that I am loving this study. If you’re looking for a Bible study for your church, small group, friends, or for yourself, Seamless is outstanding. It’s changing how I see Scripture, especially the connection between Old Testament… Read More Seamless: Week Four


Seamless: Week Three

This week, we kept working through the Pentateuch, meeting Jacob and Moses and Joshua. And let me tell you, it was a week of ah–ha moments. I knew this study was right for me when Angie Smith described how she used to understand the individual stories of the Bible but didn’t see how they fit together. Me,… Read More Seamless: Week Three


Seamless: Week Two

This week, we continued working through Genesis with a careful focus on the patriarchs. I noticed quite a bit in what we read that stood out to me and really made me think, so I’ll probably do an in–depth post about those chapters / verses later this week. For now, the questions! 1. What is distinctive… Read More Seamless: Week Two