
Be an Encourager

Much like I’ve been noticing the importance of input from sources like books and blogs, I’ve also been noticing how people’s words have the power to lift up or bring down. It’s one of those little facts you’re always aware of, sort of an in–the–back–of–your–mind kind of thing, but it’s become more prominent to me through… Read More Be an Encourager


Quiet Time Basket

I love the idea of a quiet time basket. I’ve seen a few bloggers share similar ideas, but I remember when I read Emily’s post and was so inspired to put together my own. My journals, bibles, and bible study books tend to wind up all over the place, and when I want to sit down… Read More Quiet Time Basket


Starting Armor of God

Remember how last summer my friend and I participated in the Angie Smith’s Seamless bible study? (You can read more here.) This summer, we’re participating in Priscilla Shirer’s The Armor of God. Lifeway is hosting an online study over on their blog, and today marks our first session. The first session is about getting to… Read More Starting Armor of God


Seamless: Week Five

This week focused on the Gospels. This was the first week I felt a little too rushed in the reading and responding, like it really needed more than a week, but when I think about it in terms of the breadth of the study, it makes sense to spend a week here and then move… Read More Seamless: Week Five


Seamless: Week Four

This week we really started moving toward the arrival of the Messiah. Let me just take a second to say that I am loving this study. If you’re looking for a Bible study for your church, small group, friends, or for yourself, Seamless is outstanding. It’s changing how I see Scripture, especially the connection between Old Testament… Read More Seamless: Week Four


Seamless: Week Three

This week, we kept working through the Pentateuch, meeting Jacob and Moses and Joshua. And let me tell you, it was a week of ah–ha moments. I knew this study was right for me when Angie Smith described how she used to understand the individual stories of the Bible but didn’t see how they fit together. Me,… Read More Seamless: Week Three


Seamless: Week Two

This week, we continued working through Genesis with a careful focus on the patriarchs. I noticed quite a bit in what we read that stood out to me and really made me think, so I’ll probably do an in–depth post about those chapters / verses later this week. For now, the questions! 1. What is distinctive… Read More Seamless: Week Two


Seamless: Week One

This week, we focused on Genesis and Hebrew oral tradition. I know I’ve written before about how I feel bogged down in Genesis . . . well, in the five books of Moses . . . well, in the Old Testament in general . . . BUT because I’m so excited about seeing the thread… Read More Seamless: Week One


Starting Seamless

I’m so excited about the summer Bible study of Angie Smith’s Seamless that Lifeway is hosting on their blog! The first post is about getting to know the women participating in the study, especially why they were drawn to Seamless. For me, Seamless is exactly what I need in terms of putting the Bible together… Read More Starting Seamless