
Starting Seamless

I’m so excited about the summer Bible study of Angie Smith’s Seamless that Lifeway is hosting on their blog!


The first post is about getting to know the women participating in the study, especially why they were drawn to Seamless.

For me, Seamless is exactly what I need in terms of putting the Bible together as a cohesive story. When I watched the video and heard Angie speak about seeing individual stories in the Bible but having trouble piecing them together, I just kept nodding and saying, “Yes! Me, too!”

I’m still so new to Bible studies. I’ve practiced Christianity all my life and been a believer for as long as I can remember, but true, focused study of the Word is still very new to me. There are certain stories I love, especially those of Rahab, Sarah, and Mary Magdalene, and I always think of David fighting Goliath and Joseph wearing that amazing coat, but I never feel as though I have a real sense of how it all works together as something complete, something that’s all leading up to Christ’s lifeĀ on Earth and how He changes everything for us. I’m hoping Seamless helps me to see that and, as a result, deepens my understanding of each story.


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