Just popping in for a quick minute to share the two best books I’ve read lately.

I checked out a copy of The Enchanted Hour: The Miraculous Power of Reading Aloud in the Age of Distraction by Meghan Cox Gurdon as soon as it was available at the library. After I blazed through it, I ordered a copy for my personal library. That’s a rare occurrence for someone who’s minimized her book collection and limits purchases to Kindle to save space; if a physical copy of a book comes into my house these days, it’s because I plan to make notes, bookmark ideas, and return to the book again and again.

Ditto with The Secrets of Happy Families by Bruce Feiler. Our family is just barely getting to the point where this one applies to us (the information is great for families with kids of any ages but I think especially useful when your oldest is past the baby / toddler years), while The Enchanted Hour speaks to us now and for the future. Even so, I’m glad I read them both recently and now have copies to refer to again and again.
So much more to say about both of these but I’ve got a mountain of clean clothes to put away and a baby who won’t keep. Have a good week!