I made Ina Garten’s Savory Palmiers for a couple of holiday events. They were so easy and a huge hit.
Baked dog treats.
We hosted Christmas Day. I know. My in–laws are far more willing to hand over the holiday–hosting reins than my own parents. It meant a lot of fun domestic activities.
My husband was in charge of the turkey, as always. He went with an apple / orange / ginger / garlic brine that smelled so good I nearly jumped into the brining bag with the bird.
I didn’t go quite as all–out with the handmade gifts as I did last year, but I was inspired by Mollie’s peg doll travel pack. I went with these dolls, added a dash of copyright infringement, and ended up with these cuties (which I thought were so creative on my part but have now seen all over the internet no fewer than five times).

I hosted a little wreath–decorating party for myself and my mother–in–law.
We always have a soup buffet after Advent Lessons & Carols. I’m a fan of labeling so people know what the heck they’re about to serve themselves.
My husband snapped this little gem so I could show off my $2.99 thrift store dress (brand new from Banana Republic). I think it also serves as a reminder of why I avoid putting pictures of my awkward self on the old blog.
I used Stephen Andrew‘s method for polishing silver (line sink / tub with aluminum foil, add Arm & Hammer washing soda and water, soak silver). Mine needed a little additional shining up, so I used Goddard’s foam. I don’t find the smell as strong as my husband does (nor do I find it truly foamy, but who am I to judge?). Proceed with caution.

I do love to set a table.
How about you? How were your holidays?