life lately

Life Lately

Oh, hi there! How’s it been? How’s 2017 treating you? Springtime is really showing off here lately. I’ve been planting herbs and veggies and have been meaning to get to the flowers but just haven’t yet. I’m hoping to plant zinnias and lots and lots of wildflowers to help with the whole bee population thing.… Read More Life Lately

life lately

Life Lately

. . . and a warning that I’m awkward at sharing big news. The garden is just glorious. Glorious, I tell you! I still can’t believe things are growing out of the earth (you know, like they have for millions of years). Recent harvest. (Yes, it’s about half a serving.) I’m thinking about entering our… Read More Life Lately

life lately

Life Lately

Been working on a few house projects lately. Painted the bathroom a really lovely color called Grey Mist. Ignore the fact that it looks like old split pea soup in this picture. Got a haircut. It’s only been two weeks, but I’ve already had to trim my bangs three times. This may be why my… Read More Life Lately

life lately

Life Lately

There was a very cool program at the museum that involved local artists working with floral design. And there was champagne.            I’ve been reading Make It Happen by the ever–inspiring Lara Casey. Truth be told, I started reading my Kindle edition the day it came out and planned to join an… Read More Life Lately

life lately

Life Lately

Been searching for signs of spring. These little buds look promising. Been dying to make this soup. Thinking I’ve got enough stock in the freezer for it. I moved a frozen pizza out of the way to take this picture (lest you think I’m one of those people who actually has it all together). We… Read More Life Lately

important nothings, life lately

Life Lately

Could the world be any more excited about scarf weather? I think not. I’m certainly guilty. Last week, I made this beef stew and—wow—it did not disappoint. Misty, you are in charge of my meal plans from now on. Hope that’s okay. ; ) I’ve been wanting to bake this bread for what feels like forever.… Read More Life Lately