important nothings

One Little Word for 2016

Have you jumped on the One Little Word bandwagon yet? It’s a simple way to find a focus for the new year, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed having one little word for the past two years.

My word for 2014 was intentional, and my word for 2015 was joy.

And my word for 2016 is . . .

I want to focus on enjoying what I have and where I am in life right now. It’s so easy to get caught up in the have–nots and the “in the future . . . ” way of thinking, and I want to soak up where I am right at this moment. I also want to think more carefully about “stuff”—clothing, household items, notebooks (I’m looking at you, Rifle Paper Co.) —so that I am a good steward of both money and possessions.

It was easy not to have much when we lived in our teensy tiny apartment, but I don’t want to start accumulating things we don’t need simply because we have room for them now. My home is not a storage facility or a warehouse or a staging ground for what was so cute or so inexpensive or so maybe–someday–I’ll–need–it.

I also want to be content in little daily ways. I know this sounds silly, but I want to enjoy getting dressed in the morning, sitting down to have a cup of tea, checking out the produce at my local CSA, cooking and eating dinner with my husband, reading before bed. You know how you really look forward to a vacation and all of the fun stuff you’ll get to do? I want to look forward to my everyday life like that.

I think focusing on contentment will help me appreciate what I have and realize how blessed I am. It’s so easy to overlook that, you know?

How about you? Do you have a word for 2016? I love hearing what other people’s words are!

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