manifest abundance

My intention

This post is the third in a series of posts about my experience working through Charity Craig’s Manifest Abundance 60 Day Challenge. This particular post is about the intention I set. Here are the posts in order: #1, #2. As I mentioned in my last post, I started the 60 day challenge at a time… Read More My intention

manifest abundance

Set your intention

This post is the second in a series of posts about my experience working through Charity Craig’s Manifest Abundance 60 Day Challenge. This particular post is about setting my intention for the 60 days. The first post is here. As I mentioned in my last post, I signed up for Charity’s 60 day challenge assuming… Read More Set your intention

manifest abundance

60 Days

This post is the first in a series of posts about my experience working through Charity Craig’s Manifest Abundance 60 Day Challenge. This particular post is about why I joined the challenge. Back in 2014, when I started this blog and wasn’t entirely sure what I’d do with it, I joined the Influence Network and… Read More 60 Days

manifest abundance

Still Here

It’s a bit unreal how many drafts I have started and saved but not completed, much less posted. I finally felt the words start to flow again and glanced back at the blog to see April 2019 staring back at me. My initial thought was, “Ah, of course, right before everything changed.”And that was a… Read More Still Here


Theme Days

I first read about theme days in one of Sarah Barry’s many great posts. It was right around the time of year when everything shifts: we lose daylight, we have to bundle up so it takes longer to get out the door, and our regular routine is happily and joyfully interrupted by holiday fun. That’s… Read More Theme Days


The top of the hill

At our latest MOPS meeting, we were talking about prioritizing, letting go of what isn’t worth our time or energy, finding a balance between sliding through the days with no structure and being overly structured and controlling . . . all of your basic mom worries, really. The women at my table are all knee-deep… Read More The top of the hill


My Best Books of 2018

Hi there! Just popping in with a book list in case you’ve set some reading goals and need a little inspiration. Here are my favorite books from 2018. Nonfiction My Squirrel Days, Ellie Kemper Fun, light-hearted, told in short vignettes so it’s easy to read if you only have snippets of time here and there… Read More My Best Books of 2018


Reading Lately

Loved My Squirrel Days by Ellie Kemper I love The Office and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, so it’s no surprise that I love Ellie Kemper, too. This was a quick, light-hearted memoir that made me laugh out loud at least once every few pages. I found the first half of the book funnier than the second, but that… Read More Reading Lately