Daniel fast, Lent

Preparing for a Daniel Fast

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I was contemplating a Daniel Fast.

I decided to start one on Ash Wednesday and continue it for 21 days (it ends March 25). I thought about blogging about this experience, but I wasn’t sure how to do that. As excited as I am about this fast, and as much as I think it will contribute to the whole seeking-gratitude-and-happiness purpose of this blog, I keep hearing parts of Matthew 5 in my head.

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It doesn’t specifically say “Don’t blog about it,” but I think we can agree it’s implied. ; )

But I felt torn about this. In preparing for my Daniel Fast, I found several resources here, but what I really wanted to find was something from someone who had done the fast before, not just what the creator of the fast provided. Don’t get me wrong; she provides some wonderful guidelines! I just wanted additional resources from someone who followed the same guidelines I would follow.

The truth is that I tend to overplan and want a play-by-play of someone else’s experience before I do something. I blame this on having two older sisters; I’ve always had the luxury of observing their major life events before mine and using them to guide my own. Despite all of the Daniel Fast resources out there–and there are plenty!–I kept wishing for a resource like this. When something that would be helpful in the world doesn’t exist, we should create it ourselves, yes?

In the end, I decided that sharing *some* of my experience may benefit someone else and help that person to plan his or her own Daniel Fast.

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So here is what I will be sharing:

  • What to do before you start, including websites I visited
  • Important information to consider regarding your health and fasting
  • Meal planning, including resources I used
  • Recipes

Here is what I will not be sharing:

  • Details about my personal reasons for choosing this fast
  • My personal prayers and fast-related reflections
  • Details about how it connects me with God

I probably will share something vague about that last one–unless God speaks to me in a Morgan Freeman voice, in which case I will feel inclined share that but it will probably happen via Twitter because that is information I would need to share ASAP. ; ) All jokes aside, I’ll share as much as I’m comfortable sharing so that if you are considering a Daniel Fast, you can have an example of it working in someone’s life (even if that example is a bit vague).

Also, I will not be sharing complaining of any kind. My least favorite part of people fasting is hearing them complain about it. When that happens, I think we’ve missed the point.

I hope you can understand my choices related to this, and I hope you’ll consider a Daniel Fast, too. I’m only on Day 2, but I’m already a fan!

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